Review Euroguidance Conference 2020 and Austrian Europass Portal Launch

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The turbulent developments in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic pose enormous challenges for our personal and professional lives. Labour markets in Europe have undergone profound restructuring and are under pressure from high unemployment. Education and work have moved to the online space. But here, too, it is evident that the crisis has been especially hard on those who are already disadvantaged and in danger of being excluded. The pandemic and its social and economic consequences are far from over and have far-reaching implications for the future.

How can guidance professionals support people in mastering future challenges? What can we do to help people to build their resilience and manage change? What tools are available to people applying for jobs? These questions were discussed by 120 participants that took part in this online event during the whole conference day.

In addition to the launch of the new Europass portal and a panel discussion, the event featured a keynote by Tristram Hooley, Professor of Career Education at the University of Derby. Participants were able to choose from five parallel method and discussion workshops.

The conference took place online on 12. November 2020 between 09:30-16:00 CET.


The European Skills Agenda and the new Europass: tools for a changed labour market (in English)
Koen Nomden, European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

A global pandemic and its aftermath - the way forward for guidance (in English)
Tristram Hooley, University of Derby