Local youth policy and democracy

The Council of Europe, Youth Department and the Democracy Reloading Partnership of Erasmus+ national agencies are organising this joint Study Visit for municipal youth policy practitioners.


The study visit will take place in the European Youth Center Strasbourg (France) between 28th October - 2nd November 2024 with 30 participants.  The aim of the activity is to support local and regional municipalities in designing and implementing participative youth policies. 

Expected profile of participants of the study visit: Municipal youth policy officers, preferably engaged in youth participation practices and policy. Priority will be given to participants from the partners of Democracy Reloading Partnership.

The objectives of the activity:

  • Presenting the practice of municipal youth participation of the city of Strasbourg
  • Learning about the European institutions in relation to municipal youth participation (Congress; EU Parliament) 
  • Learning about CoE standards of local youth participation in democratic life (Democracy Here, Now, Enter) and understanding the DR Reference Framework and to reflect on the roles and competences of municipalities in relation to youth participation in decision-making
  • Sharing experience and practices among participants

The program will include:

  • Visit to the municipality of Strasbourg and get an overview of its local youth participation policy
  • Visit to the European institutions (Congress of Local Municipalities, European Parliament etc.) in relation to municipal youth participation 
  • Presentation of relevant tools and resources of the Council of Europe, The Youth Partnership and the Democracy Reloading Partnership




Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Accommodation and meals will be provided by the Council of Europe in the European Youth Center Strasbourg. Meals will be provided from dinner on Monday until breakfast on Saturday.

Teilnehmende Länder

Armenia, Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries, Ukraine, Western Balkan countries




Participation is free of charge.


Participants will be pre-selected by the sending Erasmus+ national agencies who will also cover / reimburse the travel of selected participants. Participants are expected to arrive on Monday (28th October), and can leave on Saturday (2nd November).

Zurück zur Übersicht
28. Oktober bis 2. November 2024 Strasbourg, France Democracy Reloading http://trainings.salto-youth.net/12555 Gruppengröße: 30 Anmeldefrist: 8. September 2024, 00:00