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OeAD Higher Education Conference 2023: Internationali­sation and Diversity – Register until 31 Oct.

26. October 2023Higher EducationOeADPartnerships

31 October is the deadline for registration for the higher education conference, which is entitled "The many Faces of Internationalisation". Register now!

OeAD as a strong partner of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

17. October 2023Higher EducationOeAD

The Academic Cooperation Association, ACA for short, celebrated its 30th anniversary this year.

OeAD Higher Education Conference 2023: Register now!

3. October 2023Higher Education

This year's higher education conference from 23 to 24 November is entitled "The many faces of internationalisation".

OeAD at the EAIE Conference & Exhibition in Rotterdam, September 26-29, 2023

10. September 2023Higher EducationPartnershipsHigher Education Marketing

The OeAD will take part in the EAIE Conference 2023 in Rotterdam and represent Austrian higher education within the framework of Study in Austria. Hope to see you there!

Priscilla Muriithi on her Erasmus+ Mobility experience in Austria

5. September 2023Higher EducationEuropean Programmes

The student from Egerton University (Kenya) gives insights into how her Erasmus+ traineeship at BOKU opened up opportunities and supported institutional partnership.