Minister of Education Polaschek visits the OeAD

20. June 2022 Higher EducationOeADSchool
Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsminister Martin Polaschek zu Besuch im OeAD
The federal minister Martin Polaschek (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)) recently visited the OeAD to get an overview of the OeAD programmes in the area of school education and higher education.

As Austria's education agency we presented our programmes in the area of school education and higher education. The programmes range from cultural education with schools, Young Science and the possibilities of reducing science scepticism, to Erasmus+, pre-university educational cooperation with Eastern and South-eastern Europe and international cooperation in higher education.

We would like to thank the Federal Minister Polaschek for his visit and the lively exchange.

P.S.: You can find more photos in the gallery on the right!