Afghanistan: Why we should receive scientists at risk

27. August 2021 Higher EducationResearcher
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In an appeal to governments and EU institutions networks and umbrella organisations are calling for a continuation of the evacuations to receive scientists and students.

Signatories to the appeal include the Scholars at Risk Network (SAR), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the Council for At-Risk Academics and the Scholar Rescue Fund of the Institute of International Education (IIE), the European University Association (EUA), the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA), the umbrella organisation of the Swiss universities “swissuniversities” the German Rectors’ Conference and Universities Austria (uniko). Several Austrian higher education institutions have also signed the appeal.

Many scientists and scholars had fought for a democratic and future-oriented Afghanistan in the past twenty years. “Hundreds of people went to Europe to get an education and returned to their home countries, committing themselves to the values of freedom of expression, freedom of religion and gender justice. These people now fear for their lives,” says the political scientist Alexander Behr from the University of Vienna.

The appeal also calls for the establishment of scholarship programmes.

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