eTwinning Short Online Course: Media literacy for reshaping IVET image

SeminarEuropäische ProgrammeSchule

Von Mittwoch, 24. März bis Freitag, 26. März findet ein Short Online Course (früher: Professional Development Workshop) zur beruflichen Weiterbildung von Lehrer/innen der Berufsbildung statt.

Abstract: Raising the attractiveness of VET (Vocational Education and Training) constitutes a policy objective of profound meaning. The Riga Conclusions set medium-term deliverables (2015-2020), highlighting the need to promote competitive high-quality VET as a gateway to long-term employability. Similarly, the 2020 VET Recommendation highlights that increasing the attractiveness of VET by innovating and modernising VET, can be notably achieved via new learning environments, tools and pedagogies, with a special focus on digitalisation. Such possibilities are offered in eTwinning; therefore, integrating VET in eTwinning projects may provide an alternative way to achieve the above-mentioned policy objective. Additionally, VET seems to suffer generally from a poor reputation as an educational choice for young people.

Therefore, VET needs to be an appealing, credible alternative option to general educational routes if it is to attract and retain the right learners. Its image needs to be improved not just in the eyes of young people, but also their families and other key players such as teachers, careers counsellors and employers. In this case how could media literacy contribute towards this goal? Would it be possible to raise VET attractiveness, reshape its image and tackle not only negative perceptions and misconceptions but also early leaving?

Zielgruppe: Lehrkräfte berufsbildender Schulen (IVET teachers - Initial Vocational Education and Training), registrierte eTwinner/innen

Wenn Sie teilnehmen möchten, aber noch nicht Teil der eTwinning-Community sind, können Sie sich als Lehrkraft jederzeit hier registrieren.

Sprache: Englisch

Veranstaltungszeiten: 1. Tag 15:00-18:00, 2. Tag: 15:00-18:30, 3. Tag: 15:00-18:30


Bewerbung: Interessierte Lehrkräfte können sich bis 16. März mit einem kurzen Motivationsschreiben per Mail für eine Teilnahme bewerben.

24. March 2021 to 26. March (full day) Online eTwinning-Europa Export Event as iCal