Green practices in European Solidarity Corps

The focus of this training is to highlight the possibilities of incorporating green practices in ESC projects and to address what we can do at the program, organizational, and individual levels to make the European Solidarity Corps more sustainable.


The program supports projects and activities that address environmental protection, sustainability, and climate goals, and this training aims to showcase ways to integrate green practices into projects and activities, promoting environmentally sustainable and responsible behavior among participants and participating organizations. One of the aims of this activity is to establish partnerships and ensure networking among organizations participating in the European Solidarity Corps program. 

Activity format: 

  • Online preparatory one-day workshop, (30 October, to be confirmed
  • Self-paced preparation, up to 5 hours of independent research 
  • Residential training, 18th - 22nd November 2024 (the training program starts on Monday with dinner and runs by Friday until lunch) 

Purpose of the activity:

The training is aimed at networking among European Solidarity Corps beneficiaries who want to introduce a sustainable development component into their projects, exchange knowledge, and share methods for implementing green practices in project implementation 

Activity objectives: 

  • To gain knowledge about environmental sustainability and climate change; 
  • To deepen understanding of the role and responsibility of individuals regarding sustainable development and climate change; 
  • To understand the importance of critical thinking in sustainable lifestyles; 
  • To acquire tools and tips that will make participants' organizations and projects more sustainable; 
  • To learn about different ways and examples on how to "green" ESC projects; 
  • To learn how to develop new initiatives and projects on the topic of sustainable development
  • to exchange experiences and practices 

Main target group:

Our primary target group are beneficiaries of the European Solidarity Corps program who are already implementing ESC projects (volunteering and/or solidarity projects) and whose organizations’ area of work is connected with sustainable development and climate goals. If you are an ESC beneficiary and already implementing "green" projects or thinking on how and where to start with your first  “green” project, this training is for you. 


We will be staying and working Hotel Trakošćan, located in Bednja, Croatia. 
If you are selected to participate, you will receive an email with an Info-pack containing more information about travel arrangements, accommodation, the program, etc. 
The first day of training, November 18th, is reserved for participants' arrival before dinner at 7 PM, and departure is planned for November 22nd after lunch. 

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

The hosting NA (AMEUP) will organize the accommodation and cover the costs for accommodation and food. Accommodation will be provided in single rooms. 

Teilnehmende Länder

Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries, Western Balkan countries




There is no participation fee.


Please contact your NA or SALTO to find out whether they would support your travel costs. If they do, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. 
We strongly encourage green travel options such as trains or carpooling. 

Zurück zur Übersicht
18. November bis 22. November 2024 Trakošćan, Croatia Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes - AMEUP (NA Croatia) Gruppengröße: 25 Anmeldefrist: 10. Oktober 2024, 00:00